Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Week 5

This week, in the lecture, we learned about Social Networking. I am already fairly familiar with this, but was surprised to find that there were so many social networking sites out there that I didn't know existed. I have had a look at the 14 most popular sites that were mentioned in the lecture and to be honest, I can't see any that could compare to Facebook.

I am spending more time on LinkedIn than any of the others mentioned because I was told that this is a very good place to look for jobs and to make business contacts for my future career. I am not very familiar with the way that it actually works, but I shall spend the next few weeks working on this.

Last week we were given a case study in class to work on in the next few weeks. This is very important, as we will be assessed on it. We were put in random teams of three, but to be honest I would have preferred to have been placed with team mates that I had worked with last semester, as we had already been through the forming, storming, norming and performing stages of team development. I hope that my team mates and I are able to work together in an effective and efficient manner. The next few weeks will tell.

That's all I have to say for now. I'll update you on this weeks lecture and my teams progress within the next few days.

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